Marion County, MS

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Median ditch


Sq ft


Cu yd





MDOT District #7, The Retem System was installed on US-98 in Marion county

The RETEM System combines 3D Steel Grid with local Ready Mix. The System eliminates the need for forming, jointing, finishing and skilled labor. This allows for easier and faster Installs.

When approached with the Retem System in the summer of 2021, Albert White and Matt Dugas were open to trying. The site had severely eroded and needed repair.

Grading was completed on the morning of December 20, 2021. The following day, the Retem System was installed.


The ditch was 75 feet long, 6 feet wide and 4 inch thick. The ready mix was discharged into a skid steer bucket. The skid steer placed the 4 to5 inch slump mixture into the steel grid, and the MDOT crew shaped the concrete with shovels and garden rakes.

The project was completed in 1 hour.

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