I-65 Jefferson County, AL - Spillway at Hallmark Farm
Jefferson County recently reconstructed the spillway at Hallmark Farms Industrial Development Site off I-65 in north Jefferson County. The iconic farm is easily recognized by the red roof barn and lakes.
Cal Market, Deputy County Manager and Heather McCloren-Carter, County Engineer, were initially approached with RETEM 3D Steel Grid for ditches, slope paving and head walls. Both Cal and Heather thought of the upcoming spillway repair at Hallmark Farms as an opportunity to try the product.

The spillway required 12,000 square feet of steel and over 200 cubic yards of concrete. The project included 5 pours of 50-75 yards and took less than 4 hours each.
“When I arrived on site, the crew had forms in-place and were ready to use traditional methods to place and finish. When I requested to remove the forms, they were quite surprised”, Craig Taunton, RETEM.

DOT Engineers are finding it Easier and Faster to line slopes and ditches, headwalls and now spillways with RETEM 3D Steel Grid. Saving money is being realized due to the ease and speed of the process. Rakes, Shovels and Hammers are all that is needed. Once the steel grid is in place, four inches of 3,000 psi concrete with a 5 inch slump is added. No Forms, no finishing, no jointing, no skilled workforce required.
RETEM 3D Steel Grid can reduce your installation time to one-third. Here is how RETEM compares to other products
Contact us now for more information or to request a quote. Our team of experts is here to help you find the best solutions for your needs.